Samstag, 19. Januar 2019

Suunto announces end of Movescount til 2020

The Suunto Sportportal Movescount has one unique selling feature that I miss when moving to Suunto APP as a replacement: the flexible way to perform statistical calculations based on three measurement categories.

The resulting graphs provide valuable insights to specific questions. All measured data can be plotted to see annual progress. I really hope that the new portal offers something like this. And if hope not helps I scream for it. To be clear this feature would be the only reason to stay with Suunto. All other features can be easily found looking at competitors.

I'm curious if the new Suunto portal functionality gets upgraded. It is also unclear to what extent older sports watches are supported.

I only experienced from the Adidas miCoach transition to Runtastic that although some features and all devices were not support anymore in the new system, the plan was put into practice. The only
indemnification for the miCoach user was to get a lifetime premium Runtastic account and to migrate all the workout data (no pictures, routes, groups) to Runtastic. The fortune was that I was forced to buy a new sport watch, which was much better than the one I had. It was a Suunto Trainer and a nice sport portal behind. Runners usually don't want only to collect data, they want to see progress over time. Improvements, training effects, diseases, etc. are only detectable if we observe a long timespan.

Now nearly the same happens to Suunto. Let's see what kind of solution they can provide. They told
"All information about future developments and solutions for all Suunto products owners will be shared in and via email. We are committed to keeping you informed of what these solutions will be via email and on, so stay tuned. "

Blown managers of todays always think it is a cool to have an app for sports tracking. Besides that there are already hundreds of those apps on the market and some off them preinstalled on each purchased smartphone they forget one important issue.

If you track data, you need to analyze it, otherwise the data is useless. No user wants to analyze it on small screen. That's why an app is not the right tool. Successful wearable solution must have an efficient sports portal in the background. I wonder why in advertisement of wearables only the watch screen are presented. The usability, the coaching, route preparation and statistical analyze of data are of interest of an ambitious runner.

Luckily the automatic sync with Runalyze works well. Runalyze offers various statistics.

On big advantage is that there is no need to use the cable to sync activities with PC connection from Suunto Spartan Trainer watch. Bluetooth connection to APP is sufficient and comfortable. Watch faces can be also configured in the APP. The administration of routes for navigation purpose is much more usable.

One enoying thing is it is currently not possible to export move files from the Suunto app.

See also:
Suunto - Announcement and transition plan - Suunto announces decommission plans for Movescount platform, impacting some watches

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