Montag, 13. Januar 2020

Does walking count as physical activity and is it healthier than long distance running?

Wie wirkt das Marathontraining auf das Knie?

Zwei Studien: - Kniegelenkbeschwerden: Marathon belastet die Kniegelenke stark, die langfristigen Risiken sind aber unklar - Can marathon running improve knee damage of middle-aged adults? A prospective cohort study: "Improvement to damaged subchondral bone of the tibial and femoral condyles was found following the marathon in novice runners, as well as worsening of the patella cartilage although asymptomatic". - Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings of Knees and Spines in Recreational Runners who Completed 1000 Marathons: "It is unclear whether degenerative changes in the spine are derived from running or aging".

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