Dienstag, 3. Oktober 2017

6 rules for finding rules

Adding more rules to handle complexity is easy. But more rules destroys staffs morale and decreases productivity. So most managers decide to add more people to the team to distribute the new workload. Bigger teams increases the complexity further. But growth is wanted in the company, right?

Why do we spend so less effort to simplify our way of working together. To simplify an organization you need clever ideas. And the good news is the employees might have plenty of them, but...

"The difficulty lies not so much in developing new ideas as in escaping from old ones."
J. M. Keynes

Only those manager who risk going too far with simplification, find out how far they can go.

Okay here are the rules. Didn't I told more rules... Yes, but read them, think and pick the one that works in your context or follow own ideas:

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