Samstag, 28. Januar 2017

Marathon is unhealthy

Pheidippides ran 40 Kilometers to bring a message about victory over Persian. He finishes his task but then he died.

We shall learn a marathon is a serious harm for body. The healthiest part of a marathon is the preparation for it.
Therefore it would be wise to train hard for a marathon and then skip the race.

May be I am lucky that Berlin marathon is canceled due to terror or for some other reasons. Normally you need two years to prepare for marathon and at least with a training load of at least 50 km. I have only 9 weeks, but I started from a training load 58 km/week and managed to increase it to increase 85 km/week. I know it is stupid, but I do it only till end of September.

There is a death zone at Kilometer 36 for people older than 40 years. In combination with the euphoria shortly before the finish, an increased oxygen demand and rising body temperature and heart rate could lead to problems. One or two of 100.000 Marathons die like Pheidippides.

Are there any warning signs? No, usually a hearth attack happens suddenly.

The ambition of an athletes is the greatest risk for himself.

So if you really want to do a marathon. Do adjust your speed. There is no shame to walk to finish.

A marathon is not worth to harm the body. You have only one.
Every marathon run could went better, if you ask me.
I believe next time I can run 10-15 minutes faster, because I am starting in first wave. But it would not make me happier.
Therefore no plans to do it again. I like to win 10km races more. And even my body is ready to run again after race day.
That was not the case after doing the long distance. May be one day in future when I win free entry again, I try it again. But I am not sure. All depends on time for a good preparation. 

See also: - Scientists warn marathon runners - Running marathons damage kidneys - Wie Marathon-Laufen dem Körper schadet

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