Samstag, 20. Januar 2018

Do you run at the weekend?

Every social media sports channel is asking: How was running weekend? Did you have a race? Where did you run at the weekend?

Should I really answer this question? Let's ask back. Why should we run only at the weekend?

My whole life is a race. Every day is a new challenge. Time is always short, so I need to run during the whole week.

Most runners are running at the weekend, because they have time for it. In my case even the weekends are very busy. The weekend is the only chance to do all the things together with my wife without a thought on business life. The time is reserved for us, family, friends and OrangeMud.
Yes, I run also on the weekend and I am not alone.

To go for a run means having control over my life. Only on very busy and stressful days I have no chance to have these free running moments. Not being able to run is an indicator for the need to  change your life. I try to keep a work-run balance. Only with a strong body, fitness and health good work is possible over the years. Running on weekend isn't bad, but for sure it is not enough. We need to use our muscles every day. If we don't use them we will loose them.
Not to forget: "Mens sana in corpore sano". Our world needs more healthy minds.

But a healthy mind is not the only reason to run. I like eating. The more I eat the more I have to run. Sometime I eat during the run. Looks like a Win-Win situation.

See also: - Runners are heros

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