Montag, 31. Dezember 2018

Why to run hundred miles?

If you read comments on social media about ultra marathon races, you get the impression that ultra is just a discipline like 100m, 10km or a marathon. Just try it. If you run a 10k at maximum speed you will not have fun. After the first kilometer you feel how the energy flows outside your body like blood from an open large wound. Nevertheless an ultra is different. You need to self motivate over a full day without sleep till reaching the finish line. You need passion, endurance and the ability to suffer. It is not one open wound that hurts. There are many small ones. One is directly in the head - the "Why". Why are you damaging the body so hardly? There is no fun and nor excitement. The whole mission feels uncomfortable. You feel the pain in every part of your body. So why on earth shall someone do this voluntary?

1. Still running when I thought I wouldn’t.
2. Still running when I thought I couldn’t.
3. Still running when I thought I shouldn’t.

Runners want to do crazy an extreme things. They are always searching for new training impulses and a new challenge. Running should not get boring. The new experience is always like siren sound.

THE WHY | Running 100 Miles

Half of people around these runners doesn't know how far 100 miles can be. One hour by car. The rest know it better but they can not follow this force of attraction. In fact that's is quite normal. Because it must be extraordinary and unusual to attract these extreme runners.

Nevertheless if we are searching for runners who did or plan an ultra you could easily imagine the discipline has already lost its inimitability.

Ultra runners are only a small community in comparison to humans living on the earth. All are committed to deliver without having a reason. A lot of things can go wrong during such a long run.

"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Jack Sparrow, Pirates of the Caribbean 

The race begins when you are done. These runners push through and are glad to be able to do this - doing the impossible. All you need is you, a cheering friend and a toothbrush.

"Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well."
R. Louis Stevenson

See also: - For ultra you need experience

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