Montag, 1. Januar 2018

New year - new start - new run

"Das ganze Leben ist ein ewiges Wiederanfangen."
H. v. Hofmannsthal

The first day in a new year is like standing at the starting line of race. Having mixed feeling. What will happen in the next time?

We feel prepared. We think about the last year. We have done everything to achieve best results in future. Is it true, have we done really everything?

Last year I ran more than 2.000 kilometers. Is this also realistic for this year? If I run 5,5 kilometers everyday, I can achieve it. Or 10 every second day.

Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot, but make it hot by striking.
W. B. Yeat

Did you hear the big bang last night? That was your starting signal. This one was only for you. Go! The others are already on the track. Don't loose time. Run for your life!

See also: - Start

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