Dienstag, 26. Dezember 2017

How can runners achieve amazing results?

How can runners focus if plenty of things are going on in their mind and too many choices. Here are some valuable tips:
  1. Write everything down
  2. Reduce to the essentials
  3. Stop and question what is important to us: 
    1. Take stoke of what you have and ensure all has still value
    2. Get rid of what you don't love or automate
    3. Plan and organize the loved ones
  4. Be a boring runner and be able to achieve amazing results

The habits of highly boring people | Chris Sauve | TEDxCarletonU

"Das Geheimnis des außerordentlichen Menschen ist in den meisten Fällen nichts als Konsequenz."

"Im Leben geht es nicht darum, sich zu finden. Im Leben geht es darum, sich selbst zu erschaffen."
G. B. Shaw

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