Samstag, 22. April 2017

Sex als Vorbereitung für Marathon...

Sex im Vorfeld eines Marathons, soll Läufer im Schnitt fünf Minuten schneller machen, will eine Studie zum London Marathon herausgefunden haben.

Was ist da dran? Ich habe dazu einen erläuternden Beitrag im Edinburgh marathon newsletter gefunden:

"The myth is marathon runners should abstain from sex the night before a marathon to enhance their athletic performance. So our intrepid newsletter writer Emily Parr set out on hugely important a mission; to find out if the myth is true or not! And here’s what she found out…
Dr Allan Pacey, Senior Lecturer in Andrology at The University of Sheffield states “I don't know of any data that suggests that denial of ejaculation can improve athletic performance. I suspect it’s a load of rubbish!”
To add to that, on average intercourse between married partners only burns 25-50 calories – the equivalent of climbing two flights of stairs – so a married runner is unlikely to be too tired for the next day's marathon when they spend so little energy on intercourse. In fact, sex before a 26.2-miler could lead to a PB. "I've heard lots of stories of women who say they've actually run better after having sex before a race," says a leading expert. Moreover, a survey of 2,000 runners at the Flora London Marathon revealed that the runners who'd had sex the night before the race ran faster than the entrants who'd abstained.
It is clear that good sex can increase the self-confidence and also increase the achievement potential of an individual. Bad sex can have the opposite effect. Sex modifies the hormonal balance and therefore affects performance potential also.
For men, sex reduces testosterone levels and also lowers aggression. If individuals are happy their hormone levels increase and they can go into the event loose and rested. For men, sex before activities that are short and intensive is rather negative and sex before long persistent efforts (such as a marathon) is rather positive.
For women, sex increases testosterone levels and with it, activity and aggressiveness. So with short distances sex can improve performance. For younger athletes, not making love can interfere with athletic performance. On the days/weeks leading up to the marathon, most athletes usually reduce their training runs and have extra energy. If they don't make love, they spend the night tossing and turning and wake up, exhausted.
The result of an Oxford study was that on average marathon runners who had sex on the day before the race were five minutes faster than the others. The researcher tested 2000 runners at the Flora London Marathon. It is clear that you need a rest of approximately 10 hours after sex and before the marathon – so plan ahead!!

Siehe auch: - Do pre-race-relations improve performance

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