Mittwoch, 20. Januar 2016

Schreiben ist leicht

Sebastian Wolking hat ein paar Zitate über das Schreiben zusammengetragen. Es ist ganz leicht nach Marc Twain, Ihr müsst nur die falschen Worte weglassen.

Are you a real blogger?

Participate in my quiz to find out your secret dream.

Why do you eat chocolate?
A) It is healthy. (1 point)
B) It has the same color as in the 10kmLauf logo. (100 points)
C) It is healthy and it has the same color as in the 10kmLauf logo. (1000 points)

Why do you think that the forests are green?
A) It is because of green leaves of the trees and bushes. (1 point)
B) It is because most runners are running within green heart rate zone in the woods. (100 points)
C) It is because of green leaves of the trees and bushes, but also answer 2 is a great idea. (1000 points)

Do you enjoy the articles in the blog 10kmLauf?
A) Yes and I could do similar ones without effort. (100 points)
B) Yes, but I could do even better ones. (1000 points)
C) Not all of them - I could write much better ones. (10000 points)

Would there be anything you would like to share with others about your current sports career or from your experience?
A) No, because I'm afraid of writing. (1 point)
B) Yes, but I would need some time to create a nice post. (100 points)
C) Of course I would like to share. (1000 points)

A) Swoosh (50 points)
B) 3 stripes (60 points)
100 to 200 points
Although you don't want to admit, your secret dream is to send an post. What are you waiting for. Send it now.
201 to 5000 points
You are definitely one of the sports comrades with plenty experience and a volunteering mindset. Don't hesitate and start writing an article about your sport, your health, your nutrition, your best run, technology, equipment, etc.

5001 to 15000 points
I bet you sleep with lot of ideas under your pillow. Don't wait any longer. Finish and send out your first post!

Above 15000 points
Sorry to say, but you are not a sports guy.

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